Orders placed between December 24 and 27 will be processed starting on December 30. We look forward to your orders!
Curious about the quality of our products? Our products are considered to be very well made and very durable! | |
They will serve you for many years to come (definitely look for opinions on babywearing forums). | |
All LennyLamb products and their components are made and manufactured in the European Union! | |
Confirmed by certificate! Our dyes are free from any heavy metals and toxins. | |
Our suppliers have been carefully chosen and all of them hold current quality certificates. | |
We guarantee... ...that your little one will adore our cute Lenny! | |
Buy without hesitation! Changed your mind? Not to fear! You may return an unused item within 30 days of receipt. | |
Place your order now! We will make sure your DISO is shipped out ASAP! | |
100% natural Cotton! Our carriers are made from cotton and dyes that are produced in Poland and made in a way that is safe for baby. |