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LennyGo carrier vs LennyUpGrade carrier


LennyGo  or LennyUpGrade?

Let's start with the differences:

1. LennyUpGrade has an adjustable panel - so the carrier grows with your child. LennyGo does not allow you to change the dimensions of the panel, but this makes it an extremely easy to use tool - minimum of buckles and fasteners.

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2. The adjustable LennyUpGrade panel allows the carrier to fit children as young as 1 month up to about 2.5 years old. LennyGo is available in two sizes: baby size is suitable for children over 4 months old, toddler size will carry even a 3 year old.

3. LennyUpGrade has a detachable hood. In LennyGo the hood is permanently attached - you definitely won't lose it.

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4. LennyUpGrade has a pocket on the waist belt. LennyGo - as a manifest of simplicity - does not have such a pocket.

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And what do these two carriers have in common?

  • they are ergonomic soft structured carriers,

  • the shoulder straps can be fastened straight or crosswise,

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  • the straps can be tightened in two directions,

  • wrap conversions,

  • very soft and comfortable waist belt,

  • available with breathable mesh panel.

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